Counseling and Guidance

A Message From Your School Counselors Ms. Weiss and Mrs. Lang 

Our school counselors are here to help students have a successful school year by supporting them as they tackle the fun challenges and celebrate the awesome moments that come with being in elementary school!

Our Vision:
To help students thrive socially, emotionally, and academically.

Our Mission:
Through strong and ongoing collaboration with teachers, parents, administrators, and students themselves, our school counseling program aims to promote self-esteem, respect, responsibility, and appreciation of diversity, to help students grow and to prepare students to be lifelong learners.

The role of the school counselor is to support each child’s social, emotional, and academic growth. We have many ways we support our students. Our home-grown ICARE and Wellness lessons and activities are delivered to students every week. School-based counseling is provided as needed to students on an individual and small group level throughout the year. We also create and conduct classroom lessons as needs arise. Our goal is to work collaboratively with families, teaching staff, and administration to support and enhance student growth while also creating a positive, nurturing environment for all.

Services Provided

We provide a mix of individual and group counseling, classroom lessons, parent support, and school-wide programming to meet student and school needs.
Topics include:

  • Academic Support
  • Organizational and Study Skills
  • Transition to Middle School
  • Managing Stress and Anxiety
  • Interpersonal Skills, Communication, and Conflict Resolution
  • Crisis Response
  • Grief and Loss
  • Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Related Concerns

Students can request to see their school counselor as needed by visiting the counselor’s office. Parents and guardians can also request that your counselor meet with your child.

Feel free to contact us via phone or email.

Dara & Suzanne